Carlos Alberto Silva Martins (Katchás)

( Nasceu em 1951 - Faleceu em 1988 )
  • Compositor
  • músico
Carlos Alberto Silva Martins (Katchás)

Guitarist, composer and leader of Bulimundo from its foundation until 1986, Katchás will always be remembered as the mentor of the musical revolution unleashed by this group, by transforming the funaná - until then a peasant musical expression of Santiago without any impact outside the countryside - into a musical genre assumed nationally, generating an extensive discography and the most expressive of Cape Verdean culture.

Guitarist, composer and leader of Bulimundo from its foundation until 1986, Katchás will always be remembered as the mentor of the musical revolution unleashed by this group, by transforming the funaná - until then a peasant musical expression of Santiago without any impact outside the countryside - into a musical genre assumed nationally, generating an extensive discography and the most expressive of Cape Verdean culture.

"Cabo Verde & a Música" de Gláucia Nogueira

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