Cesário António Duarte
- músico
- compositor

Clarinetist of the generation of wind musicians initiated by Nho Reis from the mid-1940s, including Manuel Clarinete, Morgadinho and Manuel Tidjena, his cousin. Cesário Duarte, like those of his countrymen, played in the Banda Municipal de São Vicente from 1950 onwards. A few years later, already in the capital, he joined the Banda Municipal da Praia for more than 40 years...
Cesário Duarte is the author of some songs that will have been very successful in the 1960s, and they are mainly from that time the recordings of his songs: "Pega malandro/Cesário boca, Bocas di Paiol, Minininhas di poca sorte, Basculante".
Clarinetist of the generation of wind musicians initiated by Nho Reis from the mid-1940s, including Manuel Clarinete, Morgadinho and Manuel Tidjena, his cousin. Cesário Duarte, like those of his countrymen, played in the Banda Municipal de São Vicente from 1950 onwards. A few years later, already in the capital, he joined the Banda Municipal da Praia for more than 40 years...
Cesário Duarte is the author of some songs that will have been very successful in the 1960s, and they are mainly from that time the recordings of his songs: "Pega malandro/Cesário boca, Bocas di Paiol, Minininhas di poca sorte, Basculante".